Saturday, September 1, 2012

Healthy Heart

  • Vitamins are very important to keep our heart healthy. We need to eat right foods, we also need to supplement the food we eat with the necessary vitamins that our body needs to stay in shape keeping our heart working healthy. Consuming the right nutrients, you can do your heart any favor and avoid having problems later on in life.
  • Vitamin E is the first vitamin that comes to mind for most people, a vitamin essential to improve the overall health of your heart. It can also stop the cholesterol in the body from harming the arteries surrounding the heart. When cholesterol oxidizes, it sticks to the sides of the arteries leading to blockages causing heart attacks or other serious problems with the heart.
  • You can use vitamin C to boost the effects of vitamin E, known as an antioxidant, which prevents the damaging effects that cholesterol does and preventing cholesterol from damaging the body. It also helps vitamin E with its functions which is protecting your arteries and your heart.
  • Taking vitamin C and E as a combination is a way to a healthier heart, the easiest way that you can be sure you arent damaging your heart, especially if you have had a heart attack. Having a history of heart problems in your family, these vitamins are essential to your diet. If you are concerned about the health of your heart, these vitamins will give you the peace of mind and a healthy heart.

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