Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Working Women Health Care

  • Doctors and fitness experts all over the world recommend balanced diet high in proteins and low in fats and carbohydrates. Diet containing enough vitamins and minerals improve immunity and mental performance. Drink lots of water. Fresh fruit juices are good for health. Beverages like tea, coffee and fizzy drinks must be avoided. Even if you drink tea or coffee try to avoid the consumption of sugar. Exercise regularly. Go for morning walks, jogging, cycling or climb stairs to stay active. It keeps you fit and decreases stress and anxiety. Keep a check on your weight to ensure that you stay fit. Devote your time to pursue your hobbies to get relief from stress and anxiety. Regular health checkups will warn you timely about health complications. Sleep for 8 hours to stay fresh the next day. These are the health tips which should be followed by working women to stay healthy.

Health Tips for Women

You should drink lots of water. At least 8 -12 glasses of water consumption should be done by an adult. Develop a healthy eating habit and live more on fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, and food rich in fiber, shoots, seeds and cereals. Increase your protein intake and also have more of carbohydrate in your diet. Calcium rich diet is also essential for women as they tend to suffer a lot from osteoporosis after menopause. You should do some, yoga, exercises and work out a daily basis, so that you can stay in shape as well as fit and healthy. These will surely help you to remain active for a long time.

Women Health Care

Women health care in most cases takes a back seat because of the multitude tasks she has to undertake. Health care for women means extra nutrition and care especially when they cross the age of 30. They should follow specific diet tips and develop a healthy eating habit. Diseases that are common in women are anemia, anxiety, depression, osteoporosis, migraine, weight gain and weakness. They are the ailments which begin with simple symptoms but might go to extreme degrees if adequate attention is not provided. So if you could only try to follow the health tips for women before it gets too late for everything then you can ensure a healthy you.

There are various health magazines for women and women health websites giving a number of healthy tips for women. Women's health care practices will indeed improve if they put a stern eye over the health tips offered by the various sources. So let us have a look over the simplest of ways and try to remain healthy and happy. With the tips you will be highly benefited and you will slowly find the changes in you and your health.




It takes 3500 calories to gain a pound. If you want to lose a pound per week, reduce your calorie intake by 250 calories and incorporate daily physical activity that will burn 250 calories.